Academy Courses
Is food your passion?
The Professional Cooking Academy is a training provider for people who want to prepare themselves for exciting job opportunities available in the hospitality industry. It has a dynamic approach to training – with a combination of hands-on, practical classes underpinned by sound theoretical content.
Level 2 Diploma in Food Preparation and Culinary Arts
Level 2 Diploma in Food Preparation and Culinary Art-Patissrie is for candidates who wish to work in the hospitality industry and specialize in Patisserie (Pastry).
Level 3 diploma in culinary arts
The candidate will be required to display both practical skills and the association knowledge in order to complete the assessments.
Short Course - Skills Proficiency Course
The aim of this program is to introduce the candidate to:
* Maintain safe working conditions
* Adopt safe procedures for themselves and others
* Prepare equipment and commodities for use
* Cook food using basic cooking techniques
Terms Fees 2025
Term Fee Schedule for 2025
Short Programmes
- Skills Proficiency Programme in Basic Food Preparation (3529-50)
Certificate/Diploma in Professional Cooking
These qualifications are for people who want to work in the catering industry, offering opportunities to develop skills as a chef to the highest international standards. The certificate level is suitable for someone who has no previous experience and who wants to learn about the principles behind food preparation and the diploma is suitable for someone who has already learnt and practised the basic skills as a chef in a good quality hotel.
Duration and Times
The Certificate course is based on a one-year (ten month) intensive training period where hands-on practical cooking, baking and theory classes are held. Students then also have to complete a two-month experiential learning at a restaurant or hotel in order to complete the qualification.
The diploma course is a two-year intensive training programme, where more advanced skills will be taught. Aspirant chefs will then need to complete a six-month practical stint at a restaurant before being awarded their qualification.
Theme Evenings
If you enjoy spending time in the kitchen and cooking something special for friends coming for dinner, this is just the thing for you.
Once a month a professional chef will demonstrate different cooking methods and working with different ingredients. This is a hands-on workshop as you prepare your own meal. The chef of the evening will give you innovative ideas as well as show you how to use produce that is in season to its fullest potential.
Team Building
Come and experience a new approach to Team Building at the Academy.
Every Team will be challenged to prepare a scrumptious meal from scratch. All levels of cooks will be able to complete the challenges provided by the team leader.